Handling your world in agriculture

We all know that farming is hard work and gets more challenging each year as the industry is faced with huge demands on tight budgets using few resources. When time and productivity is of the essence in farming activities, Manitou has many creative solutions to make material handling simpler, faster and safer. The essence of the Manitou brand is safety, reliability, versatility, effi-ciency and manoeuvrability – the core of what is required on-site in today’s fast-paced agricultural sector.

Setting your world in motion

Manitou, with headquarters in France, was founded 60 years ago by Marcel Braud based on a single idea. This idea diversified substantially over the years, now boasting a worldwide presence through a global network of 30 subsidiaries, 1,050 partner dealerships and 19 Manitou Centres. Close proximity to customers is paramount through these strategically located partnerships to ensure that any needs or issues are responded to as quickly as possible.
Manitou has had a presence in South Africa for over 40 years and Manitou Southern Africa was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of Manitou Group in 1997. Today, Manitou Southern Africa serves the African continent through a combination of dealer networks and Manitou Cen-tres, offering a customer-centric approach by offering all-encompassing Total Cost of Ownership (T.C.O.) solutions with minimal machine downtime.


Manitou offers an extensive range of telehandlers, rough terrain forklifts, access platforms, skid steer loaders and backhoe loaders. The MLT-X rough terrain range of telehandlers designed spe-cifically for the agricultural industry, with input from the agriculture industry, offers a multitude of solutions, and technical benefits for your farm. These benefits include quick swappable cab switchgear layouts on select models, superior drivetrain technology, high standards of cab com-forts, combined with class leading boom lift and extend cycle times.

The base agriculture machine features, partnered with an array of specialised attachments for farming activities such as forks, bale handlers, various buckets and big bag handlers, make a Manitou telehandler one of the most versatile, production focussed machines you can have on your farm.

Services & Value:

Manitou listens to its customers to best satisfy their expectations and create value with the objec-tive of seeking out the best performance, the greatest ease of use and the highest level of reliabil-ity, including when it comes to the total cost of ownership and the product’s second life. Custom-ers need more than just equipment; they need handling solutions and a company which will look after the long-term maintenance of their equipment to ensure an extended service life.

With a customer-centric approach, Manitou is able to provide packaged solutions to suit the spe-cific requirements of the customer including full maintenance-leased, demo-stock and short-term rental equipment. Manitou’s comprehensive range of machines are supported nationally with a world-class service and a support network to ensure maximum performance, uptime and produc-tivity. Through their dealer network and Manitou Centres, experienced maintenance teams are on standby 24/7, 365 days a year. A 95% parts availability over the counter ensures that all units can achieve maximum uptime. Training options (customer site based or Manitou office based) are also available to empower the customer and their operators to get the most out of their Manitou machine in a safe and productive manner.

For more information, visit www.manitou.co.za


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