Latest Press Releases

Member benefits

TLU SA has introduced various services specifically for members to ensure that our members can farm sustainably with all the necessary support. 

In a nutshell


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Pitkos is TLU SA's newsletter exclusively for members. In it, we provide members with information about our activities, stances, special offers negotiated for members, upcoming opportunities, and valuable information such as announcements in the Government Gazette related to agriculture.


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TLU SA engages in activities that impact the livelihood of our members, as commercial farmers are pivotal to agriculture and the country's economy. We regularly launch actions that can affect commercial farmers and our consumer friends.


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To ensure that TLU SA addresses all aspects affecting our members and consumers, we have established various permanent committees where experts provide advice, inputs, and launch actions. These are divided into Labour Affairs, Property Rights, Economic Sustainability, Environmental Management, Local Government, and Security.

Collaboration Agreements

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TLU SA enters into collaboration agreements with allies and potential allies in various sectors to reinforce its policies, stances, and strategic capabilities to remain a fortress in the commercial farmer's agriculture service.


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Affiliations are based on principles, capabilities, and stances and focus on specific matters. TLU SA is continually engaged in discussions with all affiliations regarding the sustainability of agriculture.


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TLU SA aims to bring farmers and consumers closer together, which is why we introduced Plaasvars to facilitate this connection. And for the farmer or farmer-at-heart who likes to look smart, we have the TLU SA Clothing Shop.

Social media


Cover for TLU SA


Die vesting van die kommersiële boer in Suid-Afrika.

23 hours ago

Save the DateFriday 8 March ... See MoreSee Less
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1 day ago

𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐬 𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐝Oefen die seun volgens die eis van sy weg; dan sal hy, ook as hy oud word, daar nie van afwyk nie.SPREUKE 22:6 ... See MoreSee Less
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Windscreen Masters

Enige lid/vriend wat deur Windscreen Master hul ruit laat vervang, kan dit op die plek van sy keuse laat doen. Windscreen Master hanteer ook die skakeling met die lid/vriend se makelaar/versekeraar asook die registrasie van die eis indien van toepassing.

Verco Energy

Verco Energy lewer goedkoper diesel aan TLU SA affiliasies/lede/vriende in sekere afleweringsgebiede.

Timac Agro

Spesiale aanbiedinge om kunsmis teen beter pryse aan te koop, slegs vir TLU SA-lede.

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TLU SA se ooreenkoms met NBM bepbaal dat TLU SA affilliasies/lede/vriende afslag ontvang op verskeie versekeringsprodukte

Hendrik de Swardt

082 852 8039

Philippie de Beer

083 230 4583

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Firearms Guardian

Firearms Guardian is ’n unieke korttermynversekeringspakket vir vuurwapeneienaars. Dit bied dekking teen regskostes en aanspreeklikheidseise, wat spruit uit selfverdediging, skiet-ongelukke, strafregterlike vervolging, jagtogte wat skeefloop, sportskiet-ongelukke, en vele meer.

Finco Finance

Finco Finance ondersteun TLU SA-lede met finansiering by handelsbanke.


Die Pitkos is TLU SA se nuusbrief slegs vir lede. Hierin gee ons vir lede inligting oor die aksies waarby ons betrokke is, standpunte wat ons inneem, spesiale aanbiedinge wat vir lede beding is, opkomende geleenthede en waardevolle inligting soos aankondigings in die Staatskoerant wat op landbou betrekking het.