SA no longer needs sorrow and poverty

As TLU SA looks forward to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address during the opening of the new parliament, the agricultural organisation wants to emphasise the necessity of applying stronger economic considerations and implementing sound principles for sustainable economic growth.

The past 30 years of ideological dominance have created a culture of entitlement and dependency, without a corresponding sense of responsibility. TLU SA urges President Ramaphosa to lead the citizens of South Africa towards responsibility and explain what is necessary to be economically active and contribute to profitable enterprises.

Furthermore, the state must provide quality education to properly orientate citizens on sustainable production and the way forward. Over the past 30 years, the state has failed us, with a gradual increase in crime that has ultimately taken control. A safe environment is essential for business operations, lifestyle, employment, and cultural expression.

“The focus must be on overall economic growth rather than just empowering certain individuals. If the state does not create an environment where jobs are generated and people can work independently without relying on social grants, there will be no real progress,” says Bennie van Zyl, General Manager of TLU SA. “Empowerment starts with the individual, but the state must create the necessary supportive environment.”

TLU SA believes President Ramaphosa must place the responsibility on South African citizens to actively participate in the economy. He must stop making promises to people who are not willing to accept responsibility.

The Government of National Unity recently confirmed that transformation is still one of its main objectives, but TLU SA believes that the type of transformation that has taken place over the last 30 years has caused significant damage. “Many functioning institutions have become dysfunctional during this period, and South Africa has suffered as a result. The only way transformation can be successful is by better equipping people for decision-making with quality training and education, and by promoting a culture of saving and building in a safe environment.”

The recent election results clearly show that South Africans are dissatisfied with the ANC’s policies over the past 30 years. Our economy, infrastructure, and safety have deteriorated, creating an undesirable environment.

Economic sustainability will only succeed in a truly free market environment with minimal legislation and regulation that stifles entrepreneurship. Therefore, TLU SA looks forward to the “liberation” of the economy.

“If we continue on the path prescribed by the ANC, trouble awaits. A clear choice must be made for private ownership and a free market economy where market forces can function effectively,” says Van Zyl. “South Africans now need opportunities, not more sorrow and poverty.”


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SA no longer needs sorrow and poverty

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