Discussion between TLU SA and Disaster Management on damage due to cold in Limpopo

After the devastating black frost nearly two weeks ago and equally devastating fires afterwards, a meeting took place between TLU SA North/Limpopo and the newly appointed head of the Provincial Disaster Management Centre in the province, Dr. Takie Makananisa.

 Both the chairman of TLU SA North/Limpopo, Mr. Henk van de Graaf, and Dr. Makananisa, said afterwards that it was a very fruitful meeting, which laid the basis for a good and sustainable working relationship between the Department and TLU SA North/ Limpopo.

Although TLU SA Limpopo is still receiving information about the actual extent of the damage, the figure of more than R1.3 billion rand could already be given to dr. Makananisa, who in turn will pass it on to the National Disaster Management Centre as well as relevant ministers. “However, we must realize that we have by no means received all the reports, and that this figure could rise drastically, as the final losses due to the black frost and fires are calculated,” says Mr. Van de Graaf.

Dr. Makananisa expressed intense interest in agriculture and said his department recognizes the thread to food security following the recent extreme disasters in the province and assured that he takes the issues raised seriously.

He recognizes TLU SA Limpopo’s critical role in agriculture and their role in food security and said that he is positive about the bridge that is now being established between the Department and TLU SA Limpopo. Follow-up discussions will take place soon, in which other role players in the Limpopo government will be involved.

“Meanwhile, we still want to appeal to all farmers in the province (not only TLU SA members) to pass on damage reports to the provincial manager, Mr. Danie Prins, at danie@4sf.co.za or on WhatsApp to 0729047070, so that dr. Makananisa and his department can be continuously kept up to date,” says Mr. Van de Graaf.

“Furthermore, it is also extremely important that farmers who have ended up in financial straits as a result of these disasters, immediately contact their financial institutions and play open cards about the scope in order to find solutions. Each farm is a business entity on its own and will be treated as such. TLU SA has already received assurances from financial institutions that they would like to help farmers, but that it is important that they come and discuss their problems with them as early as possible,” says Mr. Van de Graaf.


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Discussion between TLU SA and Disaster Management on damage due to cold in Limpopo

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