Because the national ban on the transport of livestock – specifically cattle – is not applied everywhere, TLU SA proposes that farmers who see cattle being transported without the intervention of the SAPS immediately make a case against the parties involved (which includes the police) because they are not following and applying the law.
On August 18, the transport of livestock was suspended. The national ban was declared in the Government Gazette Notice 46741. Although the ban has major implications, it is essential to stop the increasing spread of Foot and Mouth Disease according to the Department of Agriculture.
Mr Herman de Wet, TLU SA Regional Chairperson: Natal, noted that in KZN cattle are still transported freely without any intervention.
“I had more than one meeting with the police here and was shocked when I found out that there are police members who do not know about the ban on the transport of cattle. This is simply unacceptable. How can the SAPS members not know about the ban? For me it amounts to obstruction of justice,” says Mr De Wet.
KZN currently has 78 cases, and the most recent case was reported on 29 August. The Free State and Gauteng also reported more cases on this date. There are currently a total of 127 cases nationwide.
“Here’s how I see it: Every civil servant gets a salary at the end of the month. Livestock owners will not get a salary at the end of the month, because he cannot sell cattle. There are no auctions. And no general trade can take place either. Wages are not going to be paid and that means food on the table is at stake for some farmers. More than 200,000 emerging farmers will not get an income!”
Herewith the document that can be used for filing a complaint.