Women in the agricultural field
It is actually not fair to only celebrate the role of women during Women’s Month in August. But, since we do sing the praises of women during August, TLU SA
It is actually not fair to only celebrate the role of women during Women’s Month in August. But, since we do sing the praises of women during August, TLU SA
The concept of revolution has different interpretations depending on who is speaking, and all these different definitions can undoubtedly be considered accepted viewpoints. With this writing, however, I want to
TLU SA is concerned about the proposed notice of the Revision of Regulations regarding the Procedural Requirements for Water Use Licence Applications and Amendments in terms of section 69(1) of
In 51 BC, the Roman statesman and philosopher Cicero published his work De re Publica about what made a true statesman. Cicero wrote that a great statesman must have virtus
For attention: President Cyril Ramaphosa Re: Comments made during 26th ANC Youth League National Conference (Closing remarks) on 2 July 2023 Date: 12 July 2023 Mr President We have
Utilising a language is a beautiful experience of discovery and the accompanying enrichment of one’s ability. Listening to someone using a language in its purest form is always delightful. Today’s
With some 40 years of experience in the South African Police Service and an intense need to serve South Africans, TLU SA has decided to use Ronnie Schilling, Regional Manager:
Never has it been as clear as it is now that South Africa desperately needs young farmers for progress. “South Africa cannot exist without young farmers, there is no way,”
TLU SA’s Young Farmer Competition valuable South Africa’s young farmers must seize the opportunity to enter the TLU SA Young Farmer of the Year competition with both hands. This encouragement
With just over two weeks left in 2021, one must take a deep breath if you want to look back on the year that was and sometimes you need to
Die inhoud van hierdie webtuise is onderhewig aan ‘n regskennisgewing wat hier gelees kan word.
Spesiale aanbiedinge om kunsmis teen beter pryse aan te koop, slegs vir TLU SA-lede.
TLU SA se ooreenkoms met NBM bepbaal dat TLU SA affilliasies/lede/vriende afslag ontvang op verskeie versekeringsprodukte
082 852 8039
083 230 4583
Die LWO ondersteun boere as werkgewers in alle aspekte rakende arbeidsregwetgewing.
Firearms Guardian is ’n unieke korttermynversekeringspakket vir vuurwapeneienaars. Dit bied dekking teen regskostes en aanspreeklikheidseise, wat spruit uit selfverdediging, skiet-ongelukke, strafregterlike vervolging, jagtogte wat skeefloop, sportskiet-ongelukke, en vele meer.
Die Pitkos is TLU SA se nuusbrief slegs vir lede. Hierin gee ons vir lede inligting oor die aksies waarby ons betrokke is, standpunte wat ons inneem, spesiale aanbiedinge wat vir lede beding is, opkomende geleenthede en waardevolle inligting soos aankondigings in die Staatskoerant wat op landbou betrekking het.