Open letter to President Ramaphosa regarding revolutionary remarks

For attention: President Cyril Ramaphosa

Re: Comments made during 26th ANC Youth League National Conference (Closing remarks) on 2 July 2023

Date: 12 July 2023


Mr President 

We have noted with disbelief the comments you made during the closing remarks of the 26th ANC Youth League National Conference on 2 July 2023, rallying young South Africans to become militant revolutionaries. 

It has taken us some time to agree to a civilized response. To us, our members and supporters, and most South Africans, a statement such as this is utterly irresponsible. As the president of a country, you should know better than inciting violence from a public stage. But since you made the statements, you obviously do not understand why it would be considered inflammatory. 

TLU SA represents commercial farmers in South Africa. Our members are vulnerable to violent attacks from criminals on their farms and homes. Crime is indeed out of control – a big stain on your government’s effectiveness – all over the country, but the attacks on farmers are very often more violent and senseless. Farmers, their families and workers who survived attacks report that attacks increase after political leaders make inflammatory statements. These attacks are often not to steal belongings, money or farming equipment but with the primary goal of hurting and/or killing. They either want revenge or to eliminate an enemy. 

Farmers are, however, not the enemy. Your government is the true enemy of all South Africans. In the thirty years the ANC has attempted to lead the country, we have seen corruption and fraud soar. Our infrastructure is failing. Our public enterprises are failing. Crime is out of control. Unemployment rises quarter after quarter. Children in grade four cannot read and only need 30% to pass matric. Our economy is so poor that companies do not want to invest. We can continue to list all of your failures, but as the president of the country, you should be fully aware of the dismal state. 

The country only functions because of the private sector – including farmers – and their plans to keep it afloat, despite your government’s numerous attempts to make it more challenging to survive as a business. 

For a reasonable person, it would be obvious why our members would get upset when you incite militant action – after all that we do to keep food on the tables of ALL SOUTH AFRICANS. 

We will not take militant action. We will not teach our children to become revolutionaries. 

We will continue to work hard and earn what we work for. We will continue to teach our children to earn their keep and not become entitled.  

We will continue to make plans to survive. We will continue to teach our children to be innovative. 

We ask that you also evaluate and consider what you teach young people. 


Kind regards

Bennie van Zyl

General Manager: TLU SA


Photo: Freddy Mavunda | Times Live


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