TLU SA & John Steenhuisen: A positive and constructive conversation

(Fotokrediet: John Steenhuisen, Facebook)

TLU SA had positive and constructive discussions with the new Minister of Agriculture, John Steenhuisen, on Tuesday morning.

TLU SA attended the meeting this morning alongside other organisations where the main challenges in the agricultural industry were discussed. Steenhuisen welcomed the representatives and immediately addressed four key issues that he prioritises: biosecurity for animals and plants, the impact of policy framework and legislation on agriculture, support for profitability and sustainability, and funding for farmers and processing/value addition. He also emphasised the importance of market development and acknowledged that agriculture is the catalyst that significantly determines the country’s future.

Steenhuisen encouraged attendees to introduce themselves and gave each an opportunity to provide input. He was extremely receptive to comments and suggestions, and TLU SA believes the organisations made valuable contributions.

Wannie Scribante, deputy president of TLU SA, thanked Steenhuisen for his open-door approach and willingness to be available for agriculture.

Bennie van Zyl, general manager of TLU SA, then elaborated on what is most important to TLU SA: assisting commercial farmers to ensure they remain safe and sustainable on their farms. He emphasised that commercial farmers are the country’s greatest asset and that the food on consumers’ tables is the oil that keeps South Africa functioning. Van Zyl explained that any responsible government should nurture the agricultural sector, as every business is tested by market forces, which also applies to farms and the country as a whole.

He highlighted five aspects that TLU SA believes urgently need attention:

Agricultural Policy: A plan to guide agriculture should be based on economic principles, focusing on profitability and sustainability. It must support new entrants who show the passion and responsibility to be successful farmers.

Property Rights and Uncertainty: Investment confidence is essential for economic growth. Private ownership promotes prosperity, and the correct utilisation of available agricultural land is crucial for food security. Specific emphasis was also placed on the current impact of mining on the agricultural environment.

Minimum Wage and Labour Legislation: The current approach to minimum wage and labour legislation needs to be reconsidered to reduce unemployment and allow market forces to regulate wages.

Eskom and Economic Sustainability: Reliable power supply is critical for agricultural production. The current instability in power supply causes significant damage to production processes.

Safety: The unacceptable security situation, including farm attacks and theft, must be addressed with the highest priority to protect rural communities.

TLU SA is grateful for the opportunity to discuss these issues directly with Steenhuisen and looks forward to further cooperation to promote sustainable solutions for the agricultural sector.


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TLU SA & John Steenhuisen: A positive and constructive conversation

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