TLU SA has adapted its membership format to cater for members from the agricultural community, as well as supporters of the farmers in the country. Different categories of membership are indicated on the form and certain benefits will soon be linked to each category.
* Note: The Northern Region’s fees differ from the rest of the country. Contact for more information.
R13 820 – annual
R13 920 – semi-annual (2 x R6 960)
R13 920 – monthly (12 x R1160)
Any category member who feels that he / she wants to make a greater contribution to agriculture. With Diamond membership, the member obtains individual voting rights at the AR as well as at the Congress.
R4 850 – annual
R4 960 – semi-annual (2 x R2 480)
R4 980 – monthly (12 x R415)
Commercial / full-time farmer.
R3 635– annual
R3 740 – semi-annual (2 x R1 870)
R3 780 – monthly (12 x R315)
Non-commercial farmer – whose municipal account indicates the land zoned as agricultural land.
Farm manager or son provided that the owner of the land is a Platinum member.
R1 680 – annual
R1 780 – semi-annual(2 x R890)
R1 800 – monthly (12 x R150
Supporters of TLU SA who do not have agricultural land (city dwellers).
Die inhoud van hierdie webtuise is onderhewig aan ‘n regskennisgewing wat hier gelees kan word.
Spesiale aanbiedinge om kunsmis teen beter pryse aan te koop, slegs vir TLU SA-lede.
TLU SA se ooreenkoms met NBM bepbaal dat TLU SA affilliasies/lede/vriende afslag ontvang op verskeie versekeringsprodukte
082 852 8039
083 230 4583
Die LWO ondersteun boere as werkgewers in alle aspekte rakende arbeidsregwetgewing.
Firearms Guardian is ’n unieke korttermynversekeringspakket vir vuurwapeneienaars. Dit bied dekking teen regskostes en aanspreeklikheidseise, wat spruit uit selfverdediging, skiet-ongelukke, strafregterlike vervolging, jagtogte wat skeefloop, sportskiet-ongelukke, en vele meer.
Die Pitkos is TLU SA se nuusbrief slegs vir lede. Hierin gee ons vir lede inligting oor die aksies waarby ons betrokke is, standpunte wat ons inneem, spesiale aanbiedinge wat vir lede beding is, opkomende geleenthede en waardevolle inligting soos aankondigings in die Staatskoerant wat op landbou betrekking het.