TLU SA’s Budget Proposals for Minister Enoch Godongwana

In light of the challenging economic conditions currently facing South Africa, TLU SA has sent a letter to the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana. This letter outlines the agricultural organisation’s perspective on the country’s current financial position and its expectations for the upcoming annual budget. TLU SA not only expressed concerns about the sustainability of the nation’s economy but also provided constructive proposals and recommendations for the minister to consider while finalising the budget.

The letter acknowledges the daunting task the minister faces in stabilising the country’s finances while addressing the urgent need for economic growth and sustainability. TLU SA wished the minister strength in his efforts to allocate available resources effectively and to implement necessary measures to overcome the country’s challenges.

TLU SA also emphasised the importance of a sound policy environment that will enable the agricultural sector and other businesses to thrive. The organisation highlighted the fundamental role agriculture plays in the South African economy, stressing that any policy changes or budget adjustments should consider the sector’s sustainability and growth.

In addition, the letter placed strong emphasis on the urgent need for:

  1. Tax Relief and Subsidies: Extending diesel rebates for commercial farmers, alleviating VAT on agricultural inputs, and establishing subsidies to promote sustainable agricultural practices.
  2. Financial Support: Implementing a government-backed disaster relief fund for farmers affected by natural disasters, as well as improving access to low-interest agricultural loans for emerging farmers and small-scale producers.
  3. Infrastructure Development: Enhancing South Africa’s transport and water infrastructure, which is vital for the growth of the agricultural sector and the efficient transportation of agricultural products.
  4. Farm Safety: Increasing funding for farm safety initiatives and fostering collaboration between SAPS, communities, and agricultural organisations to combat crime in rural areas.
  5. Skills Development and Education: Promoting education and training, particularly for young people and new farmers, to strengthen the agricultural sector.
  6. Regulatory Relief: Simplifying administrative processes that currently hinder businesses, such as streamlining water licence and export permit procedures.
  7. Export Markets: Establishing tax incentives to encourage producers to enter international markets.
  8. Climate Change and Research: Investing in research on climate-resilient agricultural practices and establishing mechanisms to support farmers in adapting to changing climatic conditions.

The letter also underscored that the country’s economic growth depends on the success of the agricultural sector, which provides food for the nation’s consumers. TLU SA reminded the minister of the necessity of a robust agricultural sector as the foundation of a sustainable economy. If the government fails to prioritise the challenges faced by the agricultural sector in policy decisions, it will not only harm the industry but also the economy as a whole.

With the proposals contained in the letter, TLU SA hopes the minister will consider the suggested policy changes and incorporate them into the upcoming budget, enabling the country to build a sustainable and growing economy. TLU SA encouraged the minister to create a sound and efficient policy environment that will serve as the foundation for sustainable economic growth and support the agricultural sector as a cornerstone of the South African economy.



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TLU SA’s Budget Proposals for Minister Enoch Godongwana

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