Signing of BELA act: An attack on Christian youth

TLU SA has noted that all members of the Government of National Unity appear to have agreed on Friday, 20 December 2024, that the BELA Act will be fully implemented. This announcement marks a watershed moment for minority groups. While the timeframe for implementation will be determined by the Minister of Basic Education and norms, standards, and regulations for application are yet to be finalised, the reality is that the ANC will act unilaterally despite previous agreements.

TLU SA is deeply concerned about the broader implications of this legislation, particularly the unacceptable state interference in the foundation of children’s education. Parents from Christian households make a baptismal promise to educate their children in the fear of the Lord and to ensure they are taught accordingly.

According to Bennie van Zyl, General Manager of TLU SA, the state is in effect stealing South African children from their parents. “The state must stop stealing our children from us through its policy directives and curriculum. We therefore call on Christian Afrikaner parents to counter this assault on our youth, reclaim the education of our children, and strengthen private educational institutions that uphold our cultural and Christian values.”

TLU SA further believes the Act is inherently unfair and discriminatory with regard to the language and admission clauses it contains. Moreover, there is no remedy for the state’s failing educational efforts. Outcomes and results are among the lowest globally, as evidenced by the recent 2023 TIMSS report, which shows that South African learners continue to perform the worst in the world in Mathematics and Science. As an agricultural organisation, TLU SA understands the daily importance of high-quality education and training in ensuring the success of businesses and farming enterprises alike.

“Parents must decide whether they will continue to allow the state (ANC) to degrade our youth, rob them of their foundation, and thus steal their future.”


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Signing of BELA act: An attack on Christian youth

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