Stock theft has serious economic, emotional, and psychological effects

The damage is great on an economic level, but for some it is the emotional impact that breaks the camel’s back when it comes to livestock theft.

Although there are cases where stock theft has had a devastating effect on farming and farming, TLU SA knows that there are farmers who want to try one last time or who have found ways to successfully address the serious issue of stock theft.

This is one of the reasons for TLU SA’s stock theft campaign. Other reasons include raising awareness of the current situation, putting pressure on local and national police to investigate the matter, and providing farmers with practical advice in the fight against stock thieves.

According to statistics released earlier, the monetary value of livestock stolen in 2020/’21 is a whopping R1 107 644 600. A small part of it was recovered for a total loss of R 844 603 800.

This statistic is already unacceptable, but the economic impact is only one of the reasons why there are farmers who just cannot go on anymore.

As soon as livestock and a farm are sold, the economic impact is felt, because now there are several people who are unemployed, and families are affected.

While some may still face the economic impact, it is the emotional and psychological impact that is the decisive blow.

TLU SA wants to farmers to know that they are not alone in the battle with stock theft.

Some practical advice for the upcoming festive season is that farmers will have to be prepared to put extra measures in place. They must – and this is crucial – integrate into their local security structures. Should they report cases, they must keep in constant contact with the investigating officer until the case is taken to court.


  • Report all stock theft and follow up on regular basis.
  • Join your local STIC (Stock Theft Information Centre).
  • Attend monthly Rural Security meetings with SAPS and make sure the issue of stock theft is on the agenda.
  • Make sure your own documents are in order when transport stock (Article 6 and 8).
  • Make sure you’re branding and tattooing your stock in the right manner.
  • Be careful at auctions.

To get involved with TLU SA’s stock theft campaign – by sharing your story/advice or asking for advice – visit


Deel dit:

Stock theft has serious economic, emotional, and psychological effects

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