TLU SA addresses expropriation without compensation ignorance

TLU SA calls on South Africans to inform 10 fellow citizens about what expropriation without compensation exactly means, its impact and why it may not be implemented.

With this campaign TLU SA wants to address the ignorance among South Africans about what the Expropriation Bill entails and its impact, especially in the long term.

Although the public can no longer comment on the Expropriation Act to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure or on the ad hoc committee regarding Article 25 on possible amendments to the Constitution, all South Africans must still be aware of the consequences of the amendments regarding Article 25 of the Constitution dealing with expropriation without compensation.

“Residents of the country must know that this is not just an agricultural problem. This is a South African problem,” said Mr Bennie van Zyl, General Manager of TLU SA.

“It is our duty to expose the misleading rhetoric about expropriation without compensation, and to make sure the truth is at the forefront. By supporting the campaign, you undertake to inform 10 fellow South Africans about what exactly expropriation without compensation means, its impact and why it should not be implemented.”

Some of the points that can be used for the discussion, include:

  • Assets are not limited to land alone.
  • EWC will have a negative effect on economic growth.
  • The principle of private property in essence is affected.
  • Foreign investments, which is vital for economic growth, will be even more difficult to obtain.
  • South Africa’s socio-economic problems are urgent and great and if we do not manage economic growth, we will not be able to solve them.
  • Some of the countries that walked down the path of expropriation without compensation include Romania, Ethiopia, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Portugal, and Spain. Last two have reinstated property rights.
  • Crazy inflation rates, worthless currency and high unemployment rates are some of the characteristics of countries sticking to EWC.

If you want to get involved, visit the TLU SA website and click on the campaigns link  on this page you will find all the relevant information and the pledge.


Foto: Alexandr Podvalny | Pexels


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TLU SA addresses expropriation without compensation ignorance

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