South Africa is facing a turning point with its power crisis. TLU SA calls on the government to privatise Eskom, because the current situation could send the country over the edge.
“TLU SA believes the privatisation of Eskom is the only answer and solution to the country’s energy and economic crisis. Eskom’s problems are operational and financial. Just continuing with small changes and moving Eskom’s debt back and forth will not solve the problem,” says Mr Bennie van Zyl, TLU SA General Manager.
“TLU SA asks that South Africans now make their voices heard and insist on the privatisation of Eskom. Minister of Labour Thulas Nxesi (also leader of the SACP) is opposed to privatisation. His main reason is that electricity will then be even more expensive and not all South Africans will have access. The irony is that currently the whole of South Africa only gets electricity sporadically! It is also no secret that international investors are withdrawing their money from the country in a row due to the power crisis. This leads to further job losses and economic decline. According to TLU SA, the privatisation will result in greater benefits that can bring huge economic progress for the whole of South Africa within a few years.”
TLU SA supports Miller’s assessments
In an interview with BizNews, global energy turnaround specialist KW Miller says Eskom is an “operationally dysfunctional, financially insolvent, unreliable and corrupt entity”. He says the way forward will be determined by the actions of creditors who own a large part of mainly SA state-guaranteed Eskom debt. He adds that this debt is much higher than the official figure of R400 billion.
Miller further says that Eskom’s true debt is more than 75% of South Africa’s total debt and that Eskom’s situation is the worst he has seen in his entire career. “That’s because it has every possible problem you can imagine.”
He goes on to refer to fraud. “The coal contracts are riddled with fraud. The boilers were ruined due to poor quality coal. Diesel is also not effectively utilised. They burn 10 billion litres a day. They are going to spend about R20 billion just on diesel in 2023.”
TLU SA wholeheartedly agrees with Miller’s views and solutions and expresses our support to him.
“We call on all South Africans to add your name to the list of people voting for a sustainable power generation solution in South Africa. Visit the website and cast your vote. With the addition of your name to the list, it makes our voice louder when we talk to the government,” says Mr Van Zyl.
Support TLU SA’s campaign and be part of the solution
Click on the link and add your name to the list. The full list of names will be sent with a letter to the parties involved – such as the Minister of Labour, Eskom board and Pravin Gordhan Minister of Public Enterprises. It has been shown time and again in the past that when South Africans stand together changes can happen. It is time for civil society to insist on high quality service and put pressure on the parties to grow the country in the right direction.