TLU SA supports Solidarity and AfriForum in legal action against the Bela Bill

TLU SA fully supports Solidarity, AfriForum, and the Solidarity School Support Centre (SOS) in their legal action against the promulgation of the controversial Bela Bill. This step, announced today through a media statement by Solidarity and AfriForum, is, according to TLU SA, a necessary move to curb the apparent abuse of power by the government and the ANC’s continued attack on mother-tongue education and cultural freedom.

As an agricultural organisation, TLU SA witnesses the results of poor educational outcomes daily. Young people entering the job market often lack the necessary skills and knowledge due to inadequate training in public schools. This problem will only worsen with the move away from mother-tongue education, which will undoubtedly lead to even weaker outcomes. TLU SA believes that the government’s focus on education is not in the best interests of children but is rather an ideological battle to impose language and culture on other groups. A focus on quality and mother-tongue education, by contrast, builds children’s futures and contributes to the progress of the country.

“The promulgation of the Bela Bill is not only an irrational decision but also a blatant breach of agreements entered into in good faith,” says Bennie van Zyl, General Manager of TLU SA. “It once again demonstrates that the government is intent on ignoring any opposing voices or legitimate requests from minority groups to advance its own agendas.”

TLU SA condemns the government’s increasing interference in parents’ rights to educate their children according to their own values and beliefs. Children from Christian families should be educated in the fear of the Lord, as promised by parents during baptism. However, the Bela Bill seeks to strip away this fundamental right by transferring central control over language and admissions policies to the state, leaving Afrikaans schools and other minority groups vulnerable.

Additionally, the ANC’s continued policies undermine educational standards, as evidenced by the poor performance of South African learners in international assessments such as the 2023 TIMSS report. This bill does nothing to address these serious issues but instead places an even greater burden on communities and parents who are already striving to secure a future for their children.

“We encourage all parents to stand up against this attack and to support Solidarity and AfriForum,” adds Van Zyl. “The time has come to take our children’s education into our own hands by further developing private institutions that uphold Christian and cultural values.”

TLU SA will continue to empower its members to face these challenges with faith and perseverance.

Photo: Robert Kneschke | Canva


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TLU SA supports Solidarity and AfriForum in legal action against the Bela Bill

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