Dit is vir TLU SA belangrik dat lede so ingelig as moontlik moet wees oor wat in die land aangaan. Daarom deel ons artikels oor landbou en ons boere wat in die staatskoerant gepubliseer is.
Landbou sake:
- Land Court Act: Commencement: (English/IsiZulu)G 50448 RG 11688
- Occupational Health and Safety Act: Regulations for Hazardous Chemical AgentsG 50431 RG 11687 GoN 4598
- Land Tenure Rights Act: Regulations relating to the Conversion of Land Tenure RightsG 50425 GoN 4594
- National Environmental Management Act: Methodology for Determining Financial Provision required to be set aside for Reconnaissance, Prospecting, Exploration and Mining of Low-Risk Commodities: Comments invitedG 50393 GoN 4567
Restitusie eise:
G 50442 GoN 4606
G 50442 GoN 4604
G 50442 GoN 4602
G 50442 GoN 4605
G 50311 GoN 4523
G 50311 GoN 4521
G 50311 GoN 4520
G 50311 GoN 4524