Manitou Handling Your Harvesting

Many options are available to the farmer in terms of machinery. In order to choose the best option, the farmer needs to consider the tasks which need to be accomplished, the quantity, quality and cost of capital equipment, lifespan of machinery as well as the ease of maintenance, and cost of maintenance, all in aid of ensuring maximum uptime when the machine is needed the most.

Farmers are pressed for time, especially during harvesting when tasks must be done within a very short time frame to ensure that the quality of the fruit or crop is not compromised or their cashflow is not negatively impacted. The modern farmer optimises their workload with careful scheduling, using mechanisation to streamline operations.

Many options are available to the farmer in terms of machinery. In order to choose the best option, the farmer needs to consider the tasks which need to be accomplished, the quantity, quality and cost of capital equipment, lifespan of machinery as well as the ease of maintenance, and cost of maintenance, all in aid of ensuring maximum uptime when the machine is needed the most.

With an established international footprint in the agricultural market, Manitou is fully aware of the constraints and business issues facing this market and therefore offers versatile handling equipment that accompanies farming professionals in all agricultural activities. To facilitate your work and reduce investment costs, our telescopic handlers have various attachments that improve versatility. Combine this with Manitou brand reliability and you have an ideal solution to improve productivity while limiting costs.

The Manitou MLT-X 625 is the smallest telehandler in the agriculture range with a capacity of 2.5T and a lifting height of 6m and is perfect for fitting in the small spaces on a fruit farm.  This versatile machine will save you time on a daily basis with its class leading lift and extend time as well as the ability to fit a wide range of attachments (such as augers, big bag handlers, forks and buckets) quickly and easily. The cab of the MLT-X range is easy to access and offers supreme comfort with maximum visibility, regardless of the position of the load. Exclusive to Manitou, the JSM® (Joystick Switch and Move) allows you to control all movements with just one hand, ensuring safety and total control of your machine. Also within the MLT range are larger machine options with capacities up to 6 T and a lifting height of up to 9.6m. Additional options include reversible fans, additional lighting and advanced filtration systems for dusty conditions

All Manitou machines come with varying levels of connectedness. Our Easy Manager telematic system allows you to control and monitor your equipment in real time via remote access through a web portal or mobile phone, assisting you to diagnose issues, monitor health and track the activity of all your Manitou units. There is the option of taking these machines with a maintenance package, supported by our class leading Aftermarket department or a Manitou Dealer near you. This package ensures that your machine is fitted with genuine Manitou spares and serviced by a trained Manitou technician. Combine this with Easy manager, and you get piece of mind in the form of us calling you to schedule a service, oil condition monitoring, and service initiatives to ensure that your equipment runs smoothly all day, every day even during that long awaited rainy season.

No matter what your farming material handling needs are, Manitou will assist you in devising a package suitable for your farm.



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