Dit is vir TLU SA belangrik dat lede so ingelig as moontlik moet wees oor wat in die land aangaan. Daarom deel ons artikels oor landbou en ons boere wat in die staatskoerant gepubliseer is.
Landbou sake:
- Agricultural Product Standards Act: Regulations: Grading, packing and marking of sorghum products intended for sale in South Africa: Comments invited
G 50728 RG 11706 GoN 4896
- Marketing of Agricultural Products Act: Application for continuation of statutory measures (levies, records and returns and registration) on citrus fruit packed and passed for export: Comments invited
G 50741 GeN 2532
- Disaster Management Act: Classification of National Disaster: Impact of severe weather: KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and Free State
G 50805 GoN 4963
- Firearms Control Act: Destruction of firearms: Comments invited
G 50797 GoN 4956